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We Begin Anew

With the start of the New Year, the Coalition hopes members are returning to work refreshed and renewed from some well-deserved time off with their loved ones over the holidays.  For those here in Washington, returning to work comes with a sense of anticipation, as the community looks to a new Congress and a new Administration, and with them, a recognition that change is on the horizon.

As we learn more about the management priorities of the incoming Administration, the Coalition believes that the procurement system will play a vital role in meeting the challenges we face as a nation.   It is the public-private partnership executed through the procurement system that provides the tools to meet agency missions on behalf of the American people.  As we look forward to working with new leadership across government, the Coalition will focus on the following:

  • Supporting “Common-sense” Acquisition Policies to promote improvement in the efficiency and effectiveness of the Federal acquisition system
  • Providing timely updates to members on the leadership and priorities of the new Administration and Congress
  • Educating members about GSA’s Services Marketplace Initiative and providing GSA with industry input on the acquisition strategy for GSA’s BIC MAC and the IT GWACs
  • Promoting dialogue with GSA on price negotiation practices, systems, and pricing policies, including the implementation of “Unpriced” Services for GSA Schedules
  • Supporting the enhancement of healthcare for veterans through improved partnership and shared services between the VA, DHA, DLA, and industry
  • Supporting transparent VA transition to DLA’s DMLSS system in partnership with industry
  • Informing members of the latest cyber and supply chain security requirements (g., Section 889 and Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification) and sharing industry’s feedback with the Government
  • Monitoring, informing, and engaging members and stakeholders on supply chain sourcing, including any changes to Buy American or domestic sourcing policies and requirements
  • Promoting the ongoing consolidation of GSA’s Schedules program
  • Addressing implementation of Category Management government-wide and industry input into the identification of Best-in-Class contracts

The foregoing list is not exhaustive, and it is likely that the changes in Washington will bring new matters for the procurement community to address.  Our team will remain vigilant so that, in this new environment, members and the procurement community can rest easy and rely on the Coalition, as they have for over 40 years, to bring them value-added analysis for their business operations, along with support for common sense in government procurement.  So too, the Coalition stands ready to assist all stakeholders in the new Administration and the new Congress in support of a procurement system that delivers best value for the American people.

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