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Congratulations Jeffrey Koses!

The Coalition for Government Procurement (“the Coalition”) congratulates Jeffrey Koses on his new role as Senior Procurement Executive (SPE) at the General Services Administration (GSA). Jeff Koses has had a long successful career at GSA working across program operations for the Federal Supply Service and its successor organization, the Federal Acquisition Service. During his time with the Federal Acquisition Service, Jeff developed the expertise in GSA’s procurement programs and acquisition policies to fill the critical role of SPE.  The Coalition looks forward to working with Jeff in pursuing common sense solutions for the acquisition of commercial services and products that deliver best value and cost savings to the American taxpayer.

Our engagement with Jeff will focus on a “Common Sense Agenda for Best Value and Cost Savings:”

  • Improving communication and engagement between contractors and GSA, especially with regard to the impact of strategic sourcing on the supply chain
  • Reviewing GSA contract clauses and requirements and eliminate those where the costs outweigh the benefits (i.e. put “commercial” back in commercial item contracting)
  • Reforming the Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) pricing policies to enhance competition and efficiency (the Coalition developed a white paper addressing reform of the MAS pricing policies which can be found here)
  • Addressing and reinforcing the positive role senior and middle management plays in the management of FAS operations (to date the procurement community, including MAS contactors, has seen  no formal, public FAS response to industry’s position on the GSA Inspector General Office’s June 4, 2013 audit “Improper Management Intervention in Multiple Award Schedule Contracts)
  • Addressing contract duplication by improving the GSA marketplace of governmentwide contracts so customer agencies and contractors can more efficiently and effectively compete, propose and acquire solutions, services and products

The Coalition will be reaching out to Jeff to begin the dialogue on these key issues.

Roger Waldron


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