Category: FAR & Beyond Blog

A Plan for National Cyber Hardening and Resilience

By Chris Williams & Robert Metzger This week’s FAR & Beyond blog features two guest authors on national security. The comments herein do not necessarily reflect the views of The Coalition for Government Procurement.

GSA’s Temporary EPA Moratorium Sputters Out of the Gate

Last week, this blog highlighted GSA’s March 17 release of Acquisition Letter MV-22-02, Temporary Moratorium on Enforcement of Certain Limitations Contained in Certain GSA Economic Price (EPA) Contract Clauses (the Acquisition Letter). The

The St. Patrick’s Day Acquisition Letter – Supporting the Industrial Base!

On March 17, GSA issued Acquisition Letter MV-22-02, Temporary Moratorium on Enforcement of Certain Limitations Contained in Certain GSA Economic Price (EPA) Contract Clauses (the Acquisition Letter). Effective immediately, the Acquisition Letter brings

Opportunities for Contracting Efficiency

Discussions about acquisition reform tend to focus on the processes of procurement, and well they should. Despite decades of reform efforts, procurement in the federal marketplace still struggles with challenges

Entering the New Normal with Caution and Optimism

This Sunday marks an inauspicious anniversary. On that day two years ago, the Coalition team shifted to virtual operations in response to the pandemic. Like other organizations and the Federal

Credit Where Credit is Due

This week, GSA posted on the Interact site some welcome news regarding the upcoming Services Multi-Agency Contract (MAC), which is the follow-on to the One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services

Inflation and the Imperative of Acquisition Streamlining

At the end of last month, the “FAR & Beyond” blog focused on the impact of supply chain and inflation challenges on government contractors. The blog highlighted the urgent opportunity for GSA’s

The GSA-VA Partnership and Opportunities for Success

This week, GSA posted the signed Delegation of Authority/Assignment of Function agreement (the delegation) for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to continue its management and operation of the healthcare-related Federal Supply

Time Remains to Submit an EIP Award Nomination!

As the midpoint of February approaches, the Coalition would like to remind our members that they still have the opportunity to submit an Excellence in Partnership (EIP) Award nomination before the newly

Medical/Surgical Prime Vendor Principles for Success

The Coalition for Government Procurement sincerely appreciates the engagement with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) about the Medical/Surgical Prime Vendor (MSPV) program and the agency’s recognition of the