Category: FAR & Beyond Blog

Section 889 Implementation: Language Changes That May Have Big Consequences

Yesterday marked a critical date for all government contractors. It is the day that the Interim Rule (IR) implementing Subsection 889(a)(1)(B) of the FY2019 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) became effective. Last

Federal Prison Industries: Where is the Data on Program Effectiveness?

In July, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report to Congressional committees, Federal Prison Industries, Actions Needed to Evaluate Program Effectiveness, GAO-20-205 (the GAO Report). The GAO Report is an important contribution

Let’s Get Real: The Schedules are Best in Class Contracts

Hearty souls seeking information on Category Management can weave their way through links identified in the “Government-Wide Category Management Guidance Overview, Version 3.0.”  These links provide different pathways to the

The Coalition’s Events to Date and in the Fall

While 2020 has certainly been a challenging year in many respects, the Coalition has continued to bring together public and private sector procurement leaders to work towards the mutual goal

“Section 889” ZTE and Huawei Prohibitions for All Federal Contractors to Consider

Since the enactment of the FY2019 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), stakeholders have awaited implementing guidance for Section 889, the restriction on use of certain Chinese telecommunications and video surveillance

Unpriced Schedules: Instantly Promoting Small Business Opportunities!

On July 2, the General Services Administration (GSA) announced the cancellation of the Alliant 2 Small Business solicitation. The cancellation represents a major change in the federal market for small

Wishing Everyone a Happy July 4th Weekend!

The Coalition for Government Procurement would like to wish our members and colleagues across the procurement community a very Happy Independence Day! This year, our celebrated July 4th traditions of parades, fireworks, and celebrations

Reflections from My Basement…at Mid-Year

As many of you know my home office has been the back porch of our home, sharing it with my office mate and faithful companion, our dog, Larry “Bird” Waldron.

Our Friend, Lenny Loewentritt

It has been exactly one week since our friend, Lenny Loewentritt, passed away after battling cancer. Many of us in the procurement community are still trying to process this sad

Building a More Resilient VA Supply Chain

On June 9, 2020, the Coalition’s President, Roger Waldron, appeared at a hearing before the Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs to discuss, “Building a More Resilient VA Supply Chain.” Other