Category: FAR & Beyond Blog

The Coalition’s 2015 Spring Conference is Almost Here!

In just 5 short weeks……. The Coalition 2015 Spring Training Conference titled The Business of Government will take place on April 28th at the Fairview Park Marriott in Falls Church, VA. The roster

More on GSA’s Push for “Data Transactional Reporting”

This blog addresses GSA’s proposed rule seeking to implement “Data Transactional Reporting” for the GSA Schedules program, GSA IT GWACs, and other GSA contract vehicles.  In my March 6th blog,

Transactional Data Reporting: Does the American taxpayer really want wage and price controls?

  On March 4, 2015, the General Services Administration (GSA) issued a proposed rule, GSAR Case 2013-G504, Transactional Data Reporting.  The proposed rule would establish a new requirement for GSA

Federal Times Blog: GSA Advantage, DPAP, and the confusing FAR 8.4 deviation

  I want to share with you a blog post first published on the Federal Times’ Acquisition Blog ( The post discusses GSA Advantage, DPAP, and the confusing FAR 8.4 deviation. On March 13, 2014, Defense Procurement

President Obama, ODCs and the PRC!

President Obama recently received a briefing from GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) on category management and the Common Acquisition Platform (CAP).  The briefing is a very significant symbol of GSA’s

Recap: Hiring Veterans, A Training Program for Employers

Supporting our nation’s veterans has always been a passion of the Coalition and we were fortunate to be able to share that passion yesterday at our event, Hiring Veterans: A

Thoughts on “Evergreen” Contracting

As promised, some thoughts on “Evergreen” contracting.  The original concept behind “Evergreen” contracting at GSA was to establish Multiple Award Schedule contracts that were not limited by a contract term. 

GSA Schedules Modernization and the Professional Services Schedule Consolidation InitiativePresi

As you know, GSA is undertaking an initiative to modernize the GSA Schedules Program.  GSA has contracted with the Mitre Corporation to conduct a “white space” study of the GSA

An Important Event on Veterans Hiring: A Training Program for Employers

As you know, the Coalition for Government (the Coalition) is committed to supporting Veterans transitioning to the civilian workforce.  Over the last four years our charity golf tournament, the Joseph

The GSA Schedules Program, the Keystone to Agile Acquisition  

On January 7th, GSA’s 18F organization issued a Request for Information (RFI) seeking information about the agile delivery capabilities of vendors under the GSA IT Schedule 70 SIN 132-51.  According