NASA is currently developing the sixth iteration of its Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement (SEWP) contract vehicle for IT, communications, and audio visual solutions and services.
New features of SEWP VI include:
- Two new service categories added (Categories B & C)
- Services and Professional Services at Master Contract Level
- Category A scope expanded and clarified
- Several contract types at order level: Firm Fixed Price, Time & Material, Labor Hour, Fixed Price Award Fee, Fixed Price Incentive Fee
On May 23, NASA released the Final Request for Proposal for SEWP VI. Proposals are due on July 11, 2024 by 12:00 PM (ET). The anticipated contract award date is October 2024, with a May 1, 2025, contract effective date.
Update: On June 24, NASA released Amendment 3 to the SEWP VI RFP. The deadline to submit proposals has been extended from July 11 to July 25, 2024 at 12:00 (ET). A summary of all changes and RFP updates can be found here.
Update #2: On July 18, NASA issued Amendment 4 for to its SEWP VI Final Request for Proposal (RFP). The amendment extends the due date from 12:00 PM (ET) on July 25 to 12:00 PM (ET) on August 28.
Update #3: On August 8, NASA announced a strategic pause on the SEWP VI Request for Proposals (RFP). The due date for proposals will be extended at a future date. NASA anticipates completing the below activities and intends to communicate updates via and the SEWP website:
- A future amendment will be published after NASA completes a review of its RFP and Q&A received to determine if substantive clarifications or changes are required. This activity is anticipated to take a few weeks.
- An Industry Day will be scheduled to discuss any substantive changes to the RFP prior to proposal receipt.
- The new proposal receipt date will be communicated after the above activities and will allow time for industry to submit proposals.
Update #4: On September 20, NASA announced an updated timeline for its SEWP VI contract vehicle following a six-week strategic pause. The new proposal submission due date is December 18, 2024 at 12:00 PM (ET).
Update #5: On November 15, NASA released Amendment 8 for its SEWP VI Request for Proposal (RFP). The amendment extended the RFP submission date to January 30, 2025 at 1:00 PM (ET). The following documents were also updated in Amendment 8:
- 80TECH24R0001 SF1449_Category A-11.14.24
- 80TECH24R0001 SF1449_Category B-11.14.24
- 80TECH24R0001 SF1449_Category C-11.14.24
- Attachment A-SEWP Scope Amendment 08
- Enclosure 1 SEWP VI Major Providers Amendment 08
- Exhibit 1 – RFP Template Amendment 08
- Exhibit 3a- Category A Solutions Spreadsheet Amendment 08
- Exhibit 4 NAICS Size Standard Crosswalk Amendment 08
- Exhibit 5 C-SCRM Attestation Form Amendment 08
Update #6: On November 21, NASA issued Amendment 9 for SEWP VI. The following documents were updated with the amendment:
- Exhibit 3a – Category A Solutions Spreadsheet Amendment 09
- Exhibit 3b – Category B Solutions Spreadsheet Amendment 09 **Not Required**
- Exhibit 3c – Category C Solutions Spreadsheet Amendment 09 **Not Required**
- Exhibit 4 – NAICS Size Standard Crosswalk Amendment 09
- Exhibit 5 –C-SCRM Attestation FormAmendment 09
Update #7: On January 17, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) issued Amendment 11 of the SEWP VI Request for Proposal (RFP), along with the final set of Q&A responses. Amendment 11 and the associated attachments and exhibits are the final RFP requirements for SEWP VI. NASA does not plan to release anymore Amendments or respond to any more questions.
The submission deadline has been extended to 1:00 PM (ET) on February 19, 2025.
The Coalition engages with NASA through our NASA SEWP Working Group. We encourage all members interested in the contract who have not already done so to reach out Michael Hanafin at to join the working group. Please note, this working group is for Coalition members only.