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Announcing the “2021 Summer of Compliance”

As the thermometer starts to hit the 90’s, the Coalition would like to announce that we are launching The Summer of Compliance!  While perhaps not as exciting as The Summer of Love with Jimi Hendrix, George Harrison, or Janis Joplin performing in San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury neighborhood in 1967, understanding the latest contract compliance requirements is crucial to a successful Federal business.

Summer of Compliance

Joint Business and Regulatory Issues (BRIC) and Cyber and Supply Chain Security Committee Mtg, Jun 23

We will kick off the Summer of Compliance with a joint virtual meeting of the Business and Regulatory Issues (BRIC) and Cyber and Supply Chain Security Committees for members on Wednesday, June 23 from 12:15 – 2:00 pm EDT. The subject of this meeting will be Baselining Cybersecurity in the Changing Policy EnvironmentBob Kolasky, Assistant Director, National Risk Management Center, CISA, will provide the keynote opening to the meeting. Following his presentation, a panel of experts drawn from our community has graciously offered to provide perspectives on CMMC; Cloud and FedRAMP; and the Cybersecurity Executive Order. They include Bob Metzger, Shareholder, Rogers Joseph O’Donnell; Townsend Bourne, Partner, Sheppard Mullin; and Cheryl Davis, Senior Director for Strategic Initiatives, Oracle.

Recent cyber incidences, along with the President’s issuance of his Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity, and the recent release of a White House report on supply chain vulnerabilities, signal a dynamic cybersecurity compliance environment. This joint meeting will provide Coalition Members a solid understanding of the state of play, against which, they may develop an actionable approach to provide value to customer agencies. Please contact Michael Hanafin at to RSVP.

GSA Schedules – What Every Schedule Holder Needs to Know Webinar, July 8

On July 8 from 12:00 – 1:00 pm EDT, we will be hosting a webinar: GSA Schedules – What Every Schedule Holder Needs to Know.  Our presenter will be Jason Workmaster, Member, Miller & Chevalier Chartered. This session is for anyone who administers a GSA Schedule or who uses the Schedules as a contract vehicle. Focusing on the key compliance and risk issues associated with the Schedules, the topics to be covered include:  (1) GSA Schedule pricing under both the Commercial Sales Practices (CSP) and Transactional Data Reporting (TDR) approaches; (2) the Price Reductions Clause; (3) Trade Agreements Act (TAA) compliance; (4) selling through resellers vs. holding your own Schedule; and (5) how to prepare for and respond to GSA IG audits. You can register for this webinar HERE.

Government Contracts Compliance Update: Do Your Internal Controls Address Recent Changes and Key Risks?  Webinars Part I and II: July 15 and July 22

On July 15 and July 22 from 12:00 – 1:00 pm EDT, we will be hosting a two-part webinar series, Government Contracts Compliance Update: Do Your Internal Controls Address Recent Changes and Key Risks?  Our presenters will be David Black and Eric Crusius, both Partners at Holland & Knight LLP.  FAR 52.203-13 advises Federal contractors and subcontractors to conduct periodic review of company business practices and internal controls for compliance with the “special requirements of government contracting.”  Each year, several new government contracts-related statutes, regulations, and case law developments create new obligations and compliance risk and 2020/2021 have been no different. 

David and Eric will help federal contractors issue-spot and identify key risk areas arising from government contracting that might warrant updates to their compliance programs by focusing on revised policies and procedures, tailored employee training, internal reporting and response, employee discipline, and mandatory disclosure. They will also provide a checklist of issues to consider according to business function, including: 1) operations, contract performance and subcontracting/purchasing; 2) business development; 3) enterprise-wide information technology; 4) intellectual property management; 5) human resources and employment; and 6) compliance program and internal controls. Specific changes and risks that will be addressed include the Section 889 (Chinese telecommunications products and services) prohibition; cybersecurity requirements; small business program requirements; proposal preparation; Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS); changes and requests for equitable adjustment (REAs); Federal Supply Schedules; gifts and gratuities; teaming agreements; subcontract flow downs; and intellectual property management. You can register for this two-part webinar (only one registration required) HERE.

We will continue to schedule additional webinars and trainings for our Summer of Compliance, including on topics such as:

  • Buy American/Domestic preferences
  • Supply Chain and third part risk management
  • Labor/service contract requirements in government contracts
  • An Update on CMMC
  • Cyber Security for Healthcare
  • The Future of Green Acquisition

We would love to hear from you! If you have further suggestions, please let us know!

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