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The OASIS Follow-on (BIC MAC): The Conversation Continues!

Over the last three months, GSA has been engaging stakeholders across the procurement community, sharing its initial thoughts on the potential acquisition strategy for the One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services (OASIS) follow-on, which GSA has named the Best-in-Class Multi-Agency Contract, or “BIC MAC.” Coalition members appreciate the opportunity to engage with GSA, and they appreciate the agency’s commitment to stakeholder engagement. The three meetings GSA has held with Coalition members have been helpful in clarifying the agency’s thought process and outlook regarding this critical follow-on procurement. To this end, the conversation continues. Next week GSA will be hosting a virtual industry day focusing on BIC MAC. The public announcement of the meeting can be found here.

In 2013, GSA launched the OASIS program with small and other-than-small business contracts for complex, integrated services.  Since that time, the program has been transformational. After contract performance began in 2014, both OASIS and OASIS SB quickly became strategic acquisition vehicles for GSA’s customers, including DoD. Over the last five and a half years, the contracts accounted for $30 billion in customer agency mission support, with over $10 billion of acquisitions in 2020 alone. Given the strategic role OASIS has played and will continue to play in support agency missions, GSA’s outreach to customer agencies and industry partners is timely and vital in assessing the way forward for BIC MAC, as this program will be a critical channel within the overall services marketplace managed by GSA.

With GSA’s outreach regarding BIC MAC continuing, customer agencies and industry partners will look forward to sharing their views and insights regarding the costs and benefits of various acquisition strategies. Likewise, Coalition members will look forward to hearing more from GSA regarding its analysis of the services market, BIC MAC’s place in that market, and the business metric drivers  supporting whatever acquisition strategy unfolds. In this regard, a fulsome dialogue among all stakeholders addressing the plusses and minuses of various potential acquisition strategies for BIC MAC will be foundational to sound acquisition planning.

As GSA considers all alternatives for the BIC MAC acquisition strategy, Coalition members look forward to continuing the conversation. See you all (virtually) at next week’s industry day.

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