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A Day of Golf and Gratitude: Thank You for Supporting the Joseph P. Caggiano Memorial Golf Tournament!

This Wednesday, The Coalition for Government Procurement had the pleasure of hosting the 11th Annual Joseph P. Caggiano Memorial Golf Tournament, and we could not have asked for a more beautiful day! The weather was perfect, providing an ideal backdrop to come together in support of our nation’s veterans. Thanks to the incredible generosity of our sponsors and members, we were able to raise funds for two wonderful causes close to our hearts, each dedicated to supporting those who have served our country.

One of the day’s highlights was having Paws for Purple Hearts in attendance, one of the beneficiaries of this year’s tournament. We were fortunate to be joined by representatives Danielle Stockbridge and Genevieve Timpone with Paws for Purple Hearts, along with ambassador dog Scotty! Scotty greeted attendees with warm enthusiasm and participated in live demonstrations, showcasing the incredible work that Paws for Purple Hearts does to assist veterans facing mobility challenges and trauma-related conditions. Over the past two years, through your support, the Coalition has able to raise over $20,000 for this terrific organization, making a significant impact on the lives of our veterans.

We were also honored to have representatives of The George Washington University Law School, including Steve Schooner, Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor of Government Procurement Law, join us to share the impact of the Coalition for Government Procurement Endowed Scholarship Fund on veterans at the law school. This fund, which has raised more than $140,000 over the years, has supported veterans as they pursue their education in government procurement law at the GW Law School. This year’s deserving recipient is Kristin Wolford Gillooly[TS1] , a Lieutenant for the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. Although she could not attend the event this year due to illness, we extend our best wishes for her swift recovery. We thank the GW Law School for its continued partnership towards this scholarship.

It was a special honor to have members of the Caggiano family present to pay tribute to Joe Caggiano’s enduring legacy, reminding us of the importance of continuing his commitment to service and community. We are grateful to the family for joining us to honor Joe’s memory in such a meaningful way.

We also want to extend our deepest thanks to our tournament sponsors. Your support is instrumental in the success of this event, and we could not have achieved such a remarkable outcome without you. Your commitment makes a real difference in the lives of veterans and their families.

We would also like to congratulate the golfers for some incredible performances! Congratulations to the following teams for their outstanding play:

1st Place: The George Washington University Law School – Shallum Atkinson, Spencer Overton, Mike Hogan, and Brendan Ford

2nd Place: The Caggiano Family – Peter Caggiano, Jade Brockett, Ryan Manning, and Jenna Bernard

3rd Place: ADS, Inc. – Tom Fortune, Matt Huber, Josh Glessner, and Bobby Avary

There were also some great individual performances in our Longest Drive and Closest to the Pin contests! The longest drive of the day belonged to Nick Via of TrillaMed. For closest to the pin, the winner was Ryan Manning with the Caggiano Family. Congratulations again to these and all of our golfers!

Thank you to everyone who participated, donated, and supported this year’s tournament. Your generosity and commitment have made a lasting impact on veterans’ well-being and our scholarship recipients at the GW Law School. We look forward to seeing you again next year as we continue to honor Joe Caggiano’s legacy and to support our veterans.

View the photos from the tournament here.

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