Author: SiteAdmin

TDR: Common Sense Policy Supporting the MAS Marketplace!

This is the second in a series of blogs focusing on the policy and program value of TDR. Over the last 30 years, GSA’s Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) program has

Join Us for a Holiday Party at the Tower Club, December 15

The holiday season provides an opportunity to take a break from our usual routines to appreciate human connection and surround ourselves with the things that bring us joy. As we

Transactional Data Reporting (TDR) Increases Opportunities for Small Business!

This the first in a series of blogs focusing the policy and program value of TDR. As the Biden Administration focuses on strategies to support small businesses, including small-disadvantaged businesses,

Thank you for a Successful Fall Conference!

The Coalition for Government Procurement would like to thank everyone who attended this week’s Fall Training Conference – Expectations for Government Fiscal Year 2023. Your participation played a key role in making

From Different Backgrounds and Hardship, They Came Together as One in Service to Their Country

Today, our nation honors the heroism, sacrifice, and service of all brave men and women who offer their lives in the defense of our country. As we have done in

Ted Buford

In last week’s FAR & Beyond blog, we honored the career of Jon Etherton by announcing him as a recipient of the Coalition’s highest distinction, the Common Sense in Government Procurement Award.

Jon Etherton

One does not often hear of many icons in the government procurement space.  Probably the closest to such symbols of excellence are Ralph Nash and John Cibinic, authors of the

Transactional Data Reporting: A Logical Step in the Evolution of the MAS Program

In 2016, the General Services Administration (GSA) issued a final rule to amend the GSA Acquisition Regulation (GSAR) to require that vendors report transactional data from, among other things, GSA

Register Now for the 2022 Fall Training Conference

It is already mid-October, which means the Coalition for Government Procurement’s Annual Fall Training Conference – Expectations for Fiscal Year 2023 – is less than five weeks away! Please do consider registering

Register Now for the 2022 Fall Training Conference

Autumn is officially here, which means the Coalition’s Annual Fall Training Conference is quickly approaching! We are pleased to announce that the 2022 Fall Training Conference – Expectations for Fiscal Year