Category: FAR & Beyond Blog

Procurement Flow-downs Can’t be One-sided!   

Flow-down requirements are a unique, yet ubiquitous, feature of the federal acquisition system. Flow-down requirements impact prime contractors, subcontractors, customer agencies, contracting activities, and contracting officers.  The Federal Acquisition Regulation

Announcing the 2023 Excellence in Partnership Award Recipients!

The Coalition for Government Procurement is thrilled to announce the 2023 recipients of the Excellence in Partnership (EIP) Awards! Established to spotlight excellence and innovation in the Federal procurement landscape,

Happy 40th Birthday to the FAR, but has it Gone too FAR?

April 1, 2024, marked the 40th birthday of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR).  No one can question the need for a regulation implementing procurement law and providing guidance to tens of

Leveraging Small Businesses in the Age of Replicator

This week, the FAR & Beyond blog features guest bloggers on a topic of interest to our members. The comments herein do not necessarily reflect the views of The Coalition

Procurement Policy Spring Cleaning Checklist

It is finally spring, and the cherry blossoms are in full bloom here in Washington. Day-light savings time is disrupting sleeping patterns across the nation; neighbors are out and about;

2024 Spring Training Conference – What is Fair and Reasonable, Part 2: Let’s Continue the Dialogue! 

With the first official day of Spring next week, it seems to be a perfect time to formally announce our planned agenda for our upcoming 2024 Spring Training Conference – What is

In Memory of Marcia Madsen

It is with heavy hearts that the staff and members of The Coalition for Government Procurement mourn the passing of our dear friend and colleague, Marcia Madsen. Marcia built an

Thank You to This Week’s Training Participants!

This week, the Coalition for Government Procurement held two important training courses for our members – MAS Basic Training: The Nuts & Bolts and GSA and VA Schedule Contracting Training for In-House Counsel. 

What Would Best Value Mean for the Schedule?

As discussed two weeks ago in this FAR and Beyond blog, the General Services Administration (GSA) has proposed to amend the Competition in Contracting Act (CICA) of 1984 to adjust the statutory

 Join our 2024 MAS Basic Training and GSA and VA Schedule Contract Training for In-House Counsel Courses!

The Coalition has hit the ground running in 2024 with a multitude of webinars, trainings, and committee meetings, but perhaps none excite us more than bringing back our MAS Basic Training: