Category: FAR & Beyond Blog

Nonmanufacturer Rule Waiver and Set-Asides: An Unintended Consequence for Domestic Manufacturers

According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), “[t]he federal government prefers to contract with small businesses whenever possible. Contracting officials can use set-aside and sole-source contracts to help their agencies

Member Support: Your Coalition at Work

Over the past few weeks, the Coalition for Government Procurement has been keeping pace with the dynamic changes underway in the federal market.  We have held key inaugural meetings, responded

GSA’s Section 846 CPI: Accessing the Possibilities

Since the inception of the Section 846 e-commerce effort, Coalition members have emphasized the importance of accounting for security, market integrity, transparency, process credibility, and compliance with the law in the development of a commercial e-commerce initiative for agencies.  Recognizing those imperatives, the

Three Weeks Left to Submit Your Nominations for the Excellence in Partnership Awards!

This year’s Excellence in Partnership (EIP) Awards Dinner will take place on November 20th at the Fairview Park Marriott in Falls Church, VA.  The EIP Awards honor individuals and organizations in

Schedules Consolidation: Congratulations! (Phase I and the End of the Beginning!)

Next Tuesday, October 1st, marks the beginning of a new era for GSA’s Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) program.  On that date, Phase I of MAS Consolidation will end with the issuance of a new, consolidated solicitation

Common Sense Procurement for the Common Good

Members will note our tag line for the conference this year: “Common Sense Procurement for the Common Good.”  From the Coalition’s perspective, we believe that this theme provides some much-needed

Busy Training And Events Schedule As We Race Towards 2020 – Catch Us If You Can!

With the continued hot weather, it seems as though summer may never end.  But, we know better, and that’s why we are turning our attention to the Coalition’s Fall agenda,

A Restraint by Any Other Name would be as Onerous

When reflecting on the concept of “restraint of trade,” one might recall an economics, history, or law course in which they studied the Sherman Antitrust Act.  That act prohibits restraints

On the “FAST 2020” Track to Training and Dialogue!

This week, GSA announced that registration for the Federal Acquisition Service Training Conference (“FAST 2020”) will open on September 4, 2019, at noon EDT.  FAST 2020 will be held in Atlanta on April

A Beautiful Day for a Wonderful Cause

  Thank you to everyone who joined us this week for the 7th Annual Joseph P. Caggiano Memorial Golf Tournament at the beautiful Whiskey Creek Golf Course. For the past seven years,