Friday Flash, 06.14.13

Friday Flash, 06.14.13

Comment of the Week Yesterday I testified in a hearing titled “Putting the Strategy in Sourcing: Challenge and Opportunities for Small Business Contractors” before the House Small Business Subcommittee on Contracting and Workforce.  My oral statement to the subcommittee is provided below. The Coalition will continue to work on the strategic acquisition issues identified during

Friday Flash, 06.07.13

Comment of the Week On June 4th the GSA Office of Inspector General issued Report Number A120161/Q/6/P13003, entitled “Improper Management Intervention in Multiple Award Schedule Contracts.” The audit raises concerns regarding management intervention in the ongoing negotiation of GSA schedule contracts and the subsequent outcomes.  The report raises some complex and challenging questions about the

Friday Flash 05.31.13

Comment of the Week:  Post-it Note Update!  At last week’s GSA Business Roundtable, GSA leaders and Coalition members participated in a Myth-Busters Discussion exercise to “brainstorm” ideas in support of GSA Acting Administrator Dan Tangherlini’s new mission statement and six priorities.  To foster dialogue and engagement, the mission statement, six priorities and post-it notes were

Friday Flash, 05.24.13

Comment of the Week As you know, on Wednesday the General Services Administration and Coalition members came together at the Coalition’s GSA Business Roundtable.  The roundtable featured an engaging “Myth-Busters” dialogue focusing on GSA’s new mission statement and priorities: The mission of GSA is to deliver the best value in real estate, acquisition, and technology

Friday Flash, 05.17.13

Comment of the Week The GSA Business Roundtable is right around the corner!  The May 22nd GSA Business Roundtable is a Myth-Busters event bringing together procurement professionals and senior executives from GSA and its industry partners for a dialogue focusing on Acting Administrator Dan Tangherlini’s new mission statement and six priorities.  The mission statement and

Friday Flash, 05.10.13

Comment of the Week – Prep for GSA Business Roundtable “The mission of GSA is to deliver the best value in real estate, acquisition, and technology services to government and the American people.”   In executing its mission GSA has identified six priorities: Delivering Better Value and Savings Serving our Partners Expanding Opportunities for Small Business

Friday Flash, 05.03.13

Comment of the Week Thought No. 10:  “Myth-Busters—continuing the dialogue is more than checking the box!”  Given the current budgetary challenges we face, continuing the dialogue among all stakeholders on key acquisition policies, procedures and programs is vital to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the procurement system.  Over the last decade we have seen

Friday Flash, 04.26.13

Comment of the Week This week’s Comment returns to the Thirteen Thoughts for 2013 addressing “Thought No 7: From Strategic Sourcing to Strategic Acquisition.”  With the ongoing budgetary challenges (sequestration) facing the federal enterprise, strategic acquisition represents an opportunity to do more with less.  The goals of strategic acquisition boil down to effectively managing “total

Friday Flash, 04.19.13

Comment of the Week As you know, The Coalition for Government Procurement held its 2013 Spring Training Conference, “Continuing the Dialogue, Strategic Acquisition: An Opportunity for Federal Efficiency and Commercial Business” this week.  I have been gratified by the positive feedback we have received from attendees regarding the quality of the event.  The positive and

Friday Flash, 04.12.13

Comment of the Week  Next Wednesday, April 17th the Coalition will hold its 2013 Spring Conference, “Continuing the Dialogue: Strategic Acquisition, An Opportunity for Federal Efficiency and Commercial Business.” The conference agenda is comprehensive.  Attendees will hear from leaders across government regarding the latest strategic sourcing initiatives, procurement policy and modernization of the multiple award