Friday Flash, 01.25.13

Friday Flash, 01.25.13

Comment of the Week Over the next several weeks, I will be focusing on the “Thirteen Thoughts for 2013” set forth in the January 11th Comment of the Week.   This week the focus is on Thought No. 1:  “Is GSA’s Mission Impossible Possible?” On January 14th Acting Administrator Dan Tangherlini issued a Memorandum announcing a new mission

Friday Flash, 01.17.13

Comment of the Week This has been a profoundly sad, heartbreaking week.  On Monday, our friend and colleague, Joe Caggiano, died suddenly.  Joe was only 48.  He leaves behind five beautiful children, his wife Kathleen and his parents Paul and Sue.  I am overwhelmed at the loss his family must now endure.  The light of

Friday Flash, 01.11.13

 Comment of the Week Today marks the end of the first full work week of 2013.  Welcome back everybody!  The Coalition hopes all had a wonderful Holiday Season.  This time of year everybody does lists.  This year the Coalition, for the first time, is providing a list that we hope you find interesting and thought

Friday Flash, 01.04.13

Comment of the Week On January 9 the Coalition will begin our “2013 Myth-Buster” Forum series.  The Forum, “Continuing the Dialogue: Planning for the GSA Expo 2013” will be held at the Crystal Gateway Marriot from 8 am to 11:30 am.  The 2013 GSA Expo is scheduled for the week of May 13 in Orlando. 

Friday Flash, 12.28.12

Comment of the Week  I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season thus far and I wish you all a Happy and prosperous New Year! The Comment of the Week will return on January 4, 2013! As we close the year and move into 2013, the Coalition is set to kick the New Year

Friday Flash, 12.21.12

Comment of the Week As I reflected on 2012 and the potential the topic of this year’s forty-eighth “Comment of the Week” for 2012, it became obvious to me what I should write about. Thank you Thank you to our members for your support and participation in our collective effort to bring common sense to

Friday Flash, 12.14.12

Comment of the Week (12.21.12) As I reflected on 2012 and the potential topic for this year’s forty-eighth “Comment of the Week” in 2012, it became obvious to me what I should write about. Thank you Thank you to our members for your support and participation in our collective effort to bring common sense to

Friday Flash, 12.07.12

Comment of the Week This week the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued a memorandum “Improving Acquisition through Strategic Sourcing.”  The memorandum establishes a new Strategic Sourcing Leadership Council (SSLC) and directs each of the 24 Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Act agencies to designate a Strategic Sourcing Accountable Official (SSAO).  The SSAO is to

Friday Flash, 11.30.12

Comment of the Week  Acting Administrator Dan Tangherlini often refers to GSA as the government’s savings agency.  He is “right on the money” regarding GSA’s central role in the federal procurement system.  GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service and Public Building Service provide a government-wide infrastructure of contracts, acquisition management and logistics support for customer agencies that

Friday Flash, 11.20.12

Comment of the Week   Thanksgiving remains one of my favorite holidays.  A big turkey dinner served with NFL football (This Thursday I will be cheering for the New England Patriots!).  Over the years I have come to appreciate the thanks in Thanksgiving.   Thanks for my family and my friends.  Thanks for my home.  Thanks