Author: SiteAdmin

E-commerce and the Federal Government: How to Make It Work?

The Coalition for Government Procurement (the Coalition) has long supported efforts to streamline Federal procurement processes, modernize procurement policies, and utilize commercial practices to the maximum extent practicable.  Common sense

Excellence in Partnership Awards Celebration – Dinner & Dialogue With GSA Leadership

The Coalition is pleased to announce its upcoming Excellence in Partnership Awards Celebration – Dinner & Dialogue With GSA Leadership, which will be taking place on the evening of November

Best in Class Contracts—Where is the Classroom?

On October 7, 2016, the Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) issued a draft Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular, Implementing Category Management for Common Goods and Services, (the

See You at Whiskey Creek on August 23rd

Five years ago, the Coalition for Government Procurement lost much more than a Board Member when our dear friend Joseph P. Caggiano passed away at the young age of 48.

This week’s Congressional Hearing on GSA: The Section 801 Discussion Continues…

Earlier this week, the House Subcommittees on Government Operations and Information Technology received testimony regarding the, “General Services Administration – Acquisition Oversight and Reform” (the hearing).   The subcommittees heard from

Section 801: Limiting Competition to “Increase” Competition?

Since last week’s FAR & Beyond blog, Existential Questions Surrounding H.R 2511’s Proposed “Online Marketplace,” Section 101 of H.R. 2511, the Defense Acquisition Streamlining and Transparency Act (DASTA), concerning procurement

Existential Questions Surrounding H.R. 2511’s Proposed Online Marketplace

H.R. 2511, the “Defense Acquisition Streaming and Transparency Act” (“the bill”) was introduced on May 18, 2017.  The bill seeks to streamline the Department of Defense’s (DoD) acquisition system, invest

Merging FAS and TSS for the Future

Last week, the General Services Administration (GSA), announced the merging of the Technology Transformation Service (TTS) into the Federal Acquisition Service (FAS). Created in May 2016, TTS’s mission is to

Acquisition Excellence Through Collaboration

This week, I joined hundreds of other acquisition professionals in Tacoma, Washington for the GSA’s Professional Services & Human Capital Symposium. This symposium brought together several program offices and approximately

Acquisition Excellence Through Collaboration

This week, I joined hundreds of other acquisition professionals in Tacoma, Washington for the GSA’s Professional Services & Human Capital Symposium. This symposium brought together several program offices and approximately