Category: FAR & Beyond Blog

Thank you for an Outstanding Fall Training Conference!

The Coalition for Government Procurement would like to thank everyone who attended this week’s Fall Training Conference: “What is Fair and Reasonable?” Your participation played a key role in the

Thoughts on “What is Fair and Reasonable?    

Federal Acquisition Policy and Procedure (PAP) 2021-05, Evaluation of FSS Program Pricing, sets forth “comprehensive guidance regarding the evaluation of pricing throughout the life of a Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) program contract.”

Visit the GSA and VA “Ask the PMO” Tables at the Fall Training Conference!

Effective communication between government officials and industry partners is of paramount importance in fostering a thriving procurement landscape. Through collaboration, we are able to promote the creation of innovative solutions

The FAS Realignment: Opportunities for “Dead Easy!”

With the start of the new fiscal year (FY24), the Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) launched its much-anticipated organizational realignment. The realignment breaks down regional stovepipes across FAS, creating a more

Protecting Freedom, Protecting Humanity

The barbarism executed over the last week against our nation’s dear friend and ally, Israel, provides a shocking reminder to all people of good will that evil, the antithesis of

Looking Ahead at the First or Fourth Quarter, Depending on your Perspective!

The Coalition for Government Procurement is excited to have a busy schedule in the works for the remainder of the year! So far this fall, we have been fortunate to

Join Us at the Fall Training Conference!

The Fall Training Conference is less than two months away! This year’s conference, taking place on November 15-16 at the Fairview Park Marriott in Falls Church, Virginia, explores the theme of “What is

What the FAS Pricing Guidance Says and Doesn’t Say About Order Level Competition

This week, in the spirit of “Fair and Reasonable Transparency,” the Coalition submitted to the Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) feedback on its “FAS Policy and Procedure (PAP) 2021-05, Evaluation of FSS Program

Announcing the Day 1 Agenda for the Fall Training Conference: What is Fair and Reasonable? November 15-16

As mentioned in last week’s FAR & Beyond blog, communication is the “connective tissue” of federal procurement, bringing government and industry together. The Fall Training Conference provides an excellent opportunity to strengthen

What is Fair and Reasonable Transparency? 

Keeping with the title and theme of the Coalition’s Fall Training Conference, “What is Fair and Reasonable,” this week’s blog addresses what is fair and reasonable transparency.  The Cambridge English Dictionary defines transparency