Category: FAR & Beyond Blog

Revisited: Impact of the Price Reduction Clause

Here in DC it has been cold and snowy—and parents across the region are wondering if school is going to last through July 4th given all the cancellations. It seems

Congratulations Jeffrey Koses!

The Coalition for Government Procurement (“the Coalition”) congratulates Jeffrey Koses on his new role as Senior Procurement Executive (SPE) at the General Services Administration (GSA). Jeff Koses has had a

“Predictions” for 2014

For those returning to work this week—welcome back and Happy New Year!   As you know, the Coalition is celebrating our 35th Anniversary this year!  We have a proud history of service

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  The Coalition staff wishes you and yours a happy, safe and successful 2014!  As you know, 2014 marks The Coalition for Common Sense in Government Procurement’s 35th anniversary. 

Thoughts on the Office Supply 3 (OS3) FSSI Procurement

The latest developments under the Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative (FSSI) include a move away from the GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) program.  The Office Supply 3 (OS3) FSSI procurement would

Thought No. 13: Oversight of the procurement system—is there balance?

Welcome back!  I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!    As the end of the year approaches, it is time to finish the “Thirteen Thoughts for 2013.”  On January 14th of this year,

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. The big turkey dinner followed up with NFL football (as one of several thousand shareholders, I will be cheering on the Green Bay

ODCs and the Multiple Award Schedule program

This week’s comment was to focus on five steps to improve requirements development and procurement outcomes for the American people.  It will have to wait till December.  A recent article

GAO hits the bull’s eye in identifying commercial best practices as the key to successful information technology investments.

  Earlier this week the Government Accountability Office (GAO) testified before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee regarding “Leveraging Best Practices to Help Ensure Successful Major Acquisitions.”   The testimony

Some Thoughts on Strategic Sourcing

As you know, the GSA Multiple Award Schedule program and the IT GWACs (GSA, NASA and NIH) are strategic platforms that leverage the government’s acquisition resources through streamlined competitions for