Reducing “Hurdles” in the Procurement System

Rules and Regulations - Reducing “Hurdles” in the Procurement System

Welcome back and Happy New Year!  The Coalition hopes everyone had a restful, healthy, and happy Holiday Season.  As we begin 2017, the Coalition again thanks its members for their strong support over the past year.  The Coalition also thanks all the government procurement professionals and other executives who continued the dialogue on our shared

Friday Flash - Friday Flash 01.06.17

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Other - Happy Holidays and Thank You

This week marks the last Friday Flash of 2016. Thank you to all the Coalition members for your strong support throughout the year towards our collective efforts in promoting common sense acquisition policies and procedures that deliver best value mission support for customer agencies and the American people.  We truly appreciate the trust and faith

Friday Flash - Friday Flash 12.16.16

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Friday Flash - Friday Flash 12.9.16

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Rules and Regulations - OFPP and Category Management: Pressing the Pause Button.

On October 7th, the Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) published, in the Federal Register, a proposed new Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-XXX, “Implementing Category Management for Common Goods and Services.”  The Public comments on the draft circular were due on November 7th.  The Coalition’s comments can be found here. The proposed circular

Friday Flash - Friday Flash 12.2.16

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Friday Flash - Friday Flash, 11.11.16

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Coalition Events - Announcing the 2016 Excellence in Partnership Honorees!

The Coalition for Government Procurement (the Coalition) is excited to announce the 2016 Excellence in Partnership (EIP) Honorees! The EIPs were developed 17 years ago to honor individuals and organizations in the acquisition community that have made significant contributions to the procurement system that delivers best value to meet agency mission needs. The 2016 EIP

Friday Flash - Friday Flash 11.4.16

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