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GSA Contracting

The following Coalition resources pertain to General Services Administration (GSA) contracting. We respond to GSA’s requests for feedback, provide best practice recommendations, and educate member companies on the agency’s latest developments.

  • GSA Schedules
  • Other GSA Contract Vehicles
  • GSA Pricing Policy and e-Tools
  • Cloud
  • Cybersecurity
  • Sustainability
  • Transactional Data Reporting
  • E-Commerce
  • GSA Organization/Management
  • Webinars

GSA Schedules

Coalition Letter on Federal Supply Schedule Economic Price Adjustment (01/17/24)

Letter to GSA on “Highly Competitive” in MAS Solicitation (5/31/23)

Comments on Draft MAS Contractor Assessment Reference Guide (6/22/20)

Unpriced Schedules Letter – Final (6/12/20)

MAS Consolidation RFI 2 (7/17/19)

 MAS Consolidation RFI 1 (7/3/19)

“Unpriced” MACs Proposed Rule (11/23/18)

Other GSA Contract Vehicles

GSA Pricing Policies and e-Tools

Coalition Letter to FAS Assistant Commissioner (Office of Policy and Compliance) Mark Lee on FSS PAP, 2021-05, Evaluation of FSS Program Pricing (09/20/23)

Critical Needs to Address Inflation on Contracts (02/09/22)

Reverse Auction Proposed Rule Comments (02/05/21)

Information Collection 3090-0235 Federal Supply Schedule Pricing Disclosures and Sales Reporting (1/27/20)

Comments on FSS Pricing Disclosures and Sales Reporting (10/30/19)

FSS Pricing Disclosure Information Collection (7/29/19)


Cloud BPA RFI Comments (10/14/21)

Procurement of Cloud Computing on a Consumption Basis Draft Acquisition Letter #2 (5/28/2021)

Procurement of Cloud Computing on a Consumption Basis Draft Acquisition Letter (2/5/20)

More Flexibility Needed for GSA to Deliver Cloud Services (10/23/18)


Comments on GSA Bilateral Modification to Implement Section 889 (9/24/19)

Section 889 “Part B” Comments (9/11/2020)


Comments in Response to GSA PFAS RFI (06/17/24)

Comments on Proposed Rule for Disclosure of GHG Emissions and Climate-Related Financial Risk (2/13/23)

Comments on GSA ANPR on Single-Use Plastics and Packaging (09/06/22)

Comments in Response to the “Minimizing the Risk of Climate Change in Federal Acquisitions” Advance Notice (01/13/22)

Transactional Data Reporting

Letter to GSA FAS Commissioner on Transactional Data Reporting (3/6/23)

Comments on Transactional Data Reporting (10/21/22)

Transactional Data Reporting Information Collection (7/29/19)

Implementation of Transactional Data Reporting Pilot Letter  (8/10/16)

Congressional Testimony on Transactional Data Reporting (6/25/15)

Summary–Transactional Data Proposed Rule Comments (5/2/2015)

Full–Transactional Data Proposed Rule Comments (5/2/2015)

Transactional Data Proposed Rule_Summary (3/4/15)


GSA Commerical Platforms Initiative (CPI) RFI Comments

Letter to GSA on E-Marketplace Response to E-Commerce Developments (5/22/20)

Questions on GSA Commerical Platform Initiative RFP (10/17/19)

Comments on Commercial Platform Initiative Draft RFP (8/1/19)

Commercial Platform Initiative “Known Unknowns” (3/7/19)

e-Commerce Portals RFI (12/20/18)

Commercial e-Commerce Portal Comments (7/20/18)

Procurement Through e-Commerce Portals (1/16/18)

e-Commerce Pilot Recommendations

GSA Organization/Management

Nomination of GSA Administrator Statement (9/1/17)

GSA’s Reorganization Feedback (6/29/17)

FAS Reorganization Statement (6/7/17)


The Latest Alliant 3 Draft RFP: A Review of the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Alliant 3 is Coming: Are You Preparing?

Understanding the Essentials of the OASIS+ RFP

Navigating the Entity Validation Process in SAM.Gov

What Every Schedule Holder Needs to Know

Update Webinar on with Assistant Commissioner

Schedules Consolidation with Stephanie Shutt

Prepare for ASTRO Launch: Draft RFP Insight Webinar

Hot Topics in FSS Contracting

Order Level Materials: Key Considerations

Update from GSA’s IOAs

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