Category: FAR & Beyond Blog

Spotlight on the Coalition Endowed Scholarship Fund Recipient

A valued effort that our members support is The Coalition for Government Procurement Endowed Scholarship Fund at The George Washington University. This scholarship fund provides financial support to exemplary veterans

Announcing the 2020 EIP Lifetime Acquisition Excellence Awardees

Each year during the Coalition’s Fall events, we take time to recognize individuals and organizations across government and industry for their contributions to the procurement system during the Excellence in

We Begin Anew

With the start of the New Year, the Coalition hopes members are returning to work refreshed and renewed from some well-deserved time off with their loved ones over the holidays.  For

FAS’s Services Marketplace Initiative and Next Steps for the OASIS Follow-on Procurement

This week, GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) posted a blog highlighting the completion of the OASIS on-ramps and announcing a new Federal Marketplace initiative, the Services Marketplace.  The blog outlines three goals

Opportunities for Positive Change in the New Year

Readers of the blog and Friday Flash know that the Coalition recently released its white paper, “Overview of Approaches to Acquisition Management Reform and Digital Transformation.” Recognizing that we face

Section 876 Implementation: Exploring the Possibilities

Blog readers will recall that, over the summer, we highlighted GSA’s issuance of an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) regarding the implementation of Section 876, “Increasing Competition At The Task Order,”

Thank You for Making Our Fall Training Conference a Success!

Thank you to everyone who attended the Coalition’s very first virtual Fall Training Conference: Focusing on the Business of Government.  Certainly, we would have preferred to see everyone in person, but we were

Remembering a Harlem Hellfighter on Veterans Day

Remembering a Harlem Hellfighter on Veterans Day   This week, with the celebration of Veterans Day, our nation again honored those selfless souls that stood in harm’s way to defend

The Election Explained

In less than two weeks, Coalition members will be treated to a post-election breakdown at the Coalition’s 2020 Fall Training Conference: Focusing On The Business Of Government. This virtual event takes place on November

GSA Administrator Emily Murphy Confirmed for Fall Training Conference

There are less than three weeks until the Coalition’s 2020 Fall Training Conference: Focusing On The Business Of Government. This virtual training event will take place on November 17 – 18, and it is a