Category: FAR & Beyond Blog

What to Expect at the Spring Training Conference!

What to Expect at the Spring Training Conference! As the weather heats up and the beginning of May quickly approaches, the Coalition’s excitement for the 2023 Spring Training Conference continues

Putting the Puzzle Together to “Deliver” for Customer Agencies

This week’s blog is the third in a series focusing on the puzzling approach to MAS FSS price analysis issues and the default to a Low Price Regardless of Context

MAS Pricing Puzzlers

Last week, this blog highlighted key questions surrounding MAS FSS price analysis and GSA’s defaulting to a Low Price Regardless of Context (LPRC) scheme. This week, we continue the discussion with observations

Questions Surrounding MAS FSS Price Analysis…Low Price Regardless of Context (LPRC)

On March 6th, GSA extended to September 30, 2023, Acquisition Letter MV-22-02, Temporary Moratorium of Certain Limitations Contained in Certain GSA Economic Price Adjustment (EPA) Contract Clauses, (the Moratorium Memo).

Four Reasons to Register Now for the Spring Training Conference!

We’re less than two months away from the 2023 Spring Training Conference – Procurement Watchwords for 2023, which will take place on May 2-3 in Falls Church, VA! As the

Announcing the Agenda for the 2023 Spring Training Conference!

As promised in last week’s FAR & Beyond blog, the Coalition is pleased to share the draft agenda for the 2023 Spring Training Conference – Procurement Watchwords for 2023! The

Announcing the 2023 Spring Training Conference – Procurement Watchwords for FY2023!

The beginning of Spring is only a few weeks away, which means that the Coalition’s annual Spring Training Conference is on the horizon! We are pleased to announce that registration

Supply Chain Resiliency: Procurement Lessons Learned

February 24 marks the one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. As the conflict continued and Ukraine battled for its sovereignty, the United States, alongside allied nations, provided critical support

Strategic Assest Spotlight: NASA SEWP

Strategic Asset Spotlight: NASA SEWP In this week’s Strategic Asset Spotlight, the Coalition turns our attention to the oldest IT governmentwide acquisition contract (GWAC) program, NASA’s Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement

Strategic Asset Spotlight: Alliant 2

Last week, the Coalition spotlighted the General Services Administration’s (GSA) efforts regarding the implementation and success of its One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services (OASIS) professional services contract vehicle since